Guideline for your guest post

You think, you’ve a cool blog article, which should be published on Polyglot Traveller as a guest post? That’s great! Give it to me! – Just one little thing: Please have a look into my guideline for guest posts.

First things first

  • First of all have a look into my archive and read at least some of the last articles. In this way you get a glimpse, if your idea for the guest post is thematically suitable for Polyglot Traveller and how I wrote my blog articles.
  • Submit the maximum of 1 to 3 suggestions including their provisional titles before you actually start to write the article.
  • The content should contain something about the following topics:
    • profound and culture sensitive traveling, but may also be adventure oriented
    • learning the national languages both in the run-up to the trip and directly on-site

For this purpose you can write reports, helpful insider tipps for traveling and language learning or any other suitable type of article you can think of. But keep in mind always to foreground the reader.

Guest post formalities

  • Submit your post as .txt file in HTML format to
  • Include your first and last name, your full address and a phone number, where I can reach you, into your email with your post. Your personal data won’t be published and will be kept in confidence (unless you intentionally want to).
  • A photo of you, on which you’re recognizable, should be included. Ideally the photo’s size is 300 x 300 pixel.
  • Introduce yourself and tell the readers in the ‘I’-perspective who you are and what you do (maximum of 100 words). This is where you may include a direct link to your blog or your website, too. These informations will be presented at the end of the guest post.
  • If appropriate you may place one to two additional links (but not more, please!) to your blog or to your website.
  • Link two to three blog posts or blog pages from Polyglot Traveller within the post. My archive will help to find the right posts. 
  • To place affiliate links within the post is absolutely a ‘no go’!
  • Photos (1 feature photo and 1 to 3 additional photos for the post) should already be edited appropriately, have a width of 1000 pixel and be your own (or contain the required copyright informations).
  • A submitted post must be unique and personally written by you. This means also that it isn’t an edited post of your own blog and will not be/hasn’t been published on other printed or online media.
  • Write like you would write to a friend. Therefore write in the ‘you’-perspective and talk directly to the reader. It’s not all about you, but it’s much more all about your opposite, the reader. Your reader wants to be spoken to. Most likely he or she is looking for the solution for a problem and you might be able to help.
  • Try to use correct grammar and spelling. The guest post should contain at least 1000 words (1500 would even be better). The more, the better! Structure the text by logic subheadings.  

What’s next?

  • I will read through your submitted guest post and rewrite or delete some parts, if something doesn’t fit to Polyglot Traveller.
  • I will reserve also for myself to refuse the guest post, if it doesn’t meet the guideline.
  • It can happen, that the examination of your draft may take up to 14 days. Please don’t remind me of your guest post within that time frame.
  • After a successful review I’ll publish the guest post in an appropriate category with ‘Guest author’ as the author’s name.
  • As soon as the article is online, you also promote the guest post through your various social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, …) and/or the newsletter.
  • The first few days you should have a look into your post regularly in order to answer comments.
A few legal things at the end
  • You have to be the author of the guest post.
  • You must have the publishing rights of the submitted texts and images.
  • By submitting the article you declare, that it doesn’t violate any applicable law.
  • You also agree to take responsibility for any legal consequences which result from the provided content.
  • You cede every right for publication and use of the submitted articles and images to me. (In the case, that Polyglot Traveller or any other company, which may be derived from Polyglot Traveller, shuts down its service and no other argument is against it, these rights can be returned in order to permanently preserve the content and keep it available.)
  • You declare that submitted articles have not been and will not be published on other sites (neither printed nor online).
  • You accept that the publishing website may offer advertisement.
  • You also accept that I may change, add or shorten the submitted text and images.
  • You accept that the submitted guest post will be published on other platforms like Facebook, Twitter, RSS directories etc.
  • You accept that in due course I also provide your guest post to my German readers through an analogous translation, if the content is suitable and if you haven’t submitted a second version of the guest post in German already. After all it’s a bilingual Blog in German and English.


Still with me and not discouraged? Wonderful! Are you ready? Go! Send your ideas to

I’m looking forward to your mail and curious about your guest post!
